Even though you manage to maintain a composed perception, the environment sometimes gets to you. I've learnt the hard way that in such times the best option is to sit back, relax; have a duck face and observe the situation. This will enable you to enter into a critical thinking mindset. It would also help to keep the emotions in check when complex thoughts creeps you out! ;) For some time now, my attempts towards progress have been repeatedly bottle necked and as a result my patience was repeatedly tested :P As always, I did welcome challenges and tried to make the best out of the situation. However, nature seemed to have other plans for me and it was difficult breaking that inertia. I started acting impatient which made it even more fun and challenging :P When you think that doors around you keep closing and not sure if its true and the only thing you have is the ground under your feet - idiots would start to freak out, crazy people would start freaking others out and the crazy idiots would stop and start thinking. The logical solution was to reboot my upper deck, un-clutter the mess and start all over again. Now that we've see the "What", lets look at the "How": Well, to start with - I sat in solitude and waited for something to hit me. When that did not happen, I decided to move around and see if I could hit something. So, I travelled a little, watched some cartoon and some wallpaper dry. Then looked at my to do list - which really needed some rewiring to be done. To get things back in focus, I adopted few techniques and.....
Author"Incredibly CoMpLeX yet Wonderfully Simple. I believe that knowledge is useless if it cannot be acted upon. I intend not to have a contented life but a satisfied one! - By doing my best towards maturity." - Deepak Krishnan. S Archives
January 2017
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